Information about me

Chicago, Illinois, United States
I have worked to improve professionals and international interaction centers since the mid-90s. I have worked with organizations to grow newly formed organizations to 300% their initial inflow of customers and support personnel and helped others reduce the life of open issues by 1/3. I have aided multiple start-up ventures through planning and initial phases of opening their doors. Occasionally, I work with individuals on improving their resumes, interviewing skills and professional presentation. I believe in a core principle that you should always be looking for the next rung above you and guiding somebody to make a change in their lives as they approach where you have been. Kaizen is the Japanese principle of continual improvement, I call mine ‘the next one up’.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Book Review Death by Meeting: A Leadership Fable...About Solving the Most Painful Problem in Business by Patrick Lincioni

If you have anything to do with meetings and people, read this book. It really doesn't take that long to read and while I am still out on the entire 'fictional story to explain a business concept', this one has stuck with me since I first read the book a few years ago.

This book breaks it down for WHAT you should be expected to bring to each meeting and what you should expect to get out of each meeting. From an organizational perspective, it also has encouraged me to do two major time changing things in my life, a) I will not hold a meeting without publishing an agenda first and then following it up with a notes/action items email and b) I will gladly refuse to attend a meeting without a published agenda. I now recoup about 4-5 hours a week regularly because of this and am starting a behavior pattern that will hopefully improve the organization.

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